+49 (0) 228 979 67 0 info@beyond-red.de

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Portrait Personaltrainer Uli Glöckner

Uli Glöckner

  • B.A. Sports Therapist from Berlin
  • Hyrox athlete
  • Winner of the Hyrox EM 2023 in the Double Division

Click here for Uli's Instagram account 

"Support when my muscles are overtired"

The daily use of the beyondRED® PRO has significantly reduced my recovery time. It loosens my muscular blockages and is easy to use at the same time. I use it both before and after training.

For me and my clients, the recovery tools from beyondRED® have become part of their everyday training and work.

Product details
beyondRED® PRO ist die portable Lösung für flexible und hochwirksame Anwendungen in der Low Level Lasertherapie (LLLT)

"Regeneration to Go"

The massage gun from beyondRED® is a must-have for my sports sessions. It is easy to hold and fits perfectly in my sports bag so that I can use it directly after my workout. I prefer to use the Round-Head massage gun attachment because I can use it for almost every muscle area.

beyondRED® Massage Gun und Uli Glöckner
Das sagen überzeugte Kunden - Crossfit Athleten, Personaltrainer und Physiotherapeuten.